occhick from Lake Havasu City, Arizona wrote: "this was a new sound.i thought you guys sounded completely profesional.the mood was great,the timing was perfect,even the back up vocals were all good this was a sound that i think is original a saound i would listen too again.the outro was tight as was the entire production.this is a band i would like to more from.seeing how good this song sounded,there must be more just as good.you guys rock."
More reviews for the Tell-Tale Heart arrived:
"rock 'n' roll! pretty cool song. reminds me of the 80's. iron maiden-type intro." - twilli49, Baton Rouge, Louisiana
"Head banging!!! Music is rockin!! Sounds like Sex pistols mixed with a little Judas Priest." - Dogmatica, Alice,Laredo, Kingsville,Corpu, Texas
"The music is fucking good. This drummer is quite cool!!!!! You'll be fucking great!!" - GiltY, Vagnhärad, Södermanland, Sweden
"ironbowie! maiden-esqe riffs with a punk-bowie vocal. interesting." - jb_73, Van Nuys, California
"this song kicks right from the start" - Bob_13, Boston, Massachusetts
"iron maiden intro. very 80s sounding vocals. after the intro is a little more recent sounding maybe early 90s! mood is aggresive; Extra Credit: Guitars - billsanity, Omaha, Nebraska
As you probably have noticed, this page is undergoing a slight re-design. That's mainly because we are sick of the old design and the band got a new logo with a cool new font! It looks like this:

Cool, huh?
Here's a possible suggestion for the cover artwork of the upcoming album Rocktails:

Click on the pic to see a bigger version! Do you like it? Got other ideas? Send them in!
"very motorheadish I kinda had fun listening to this song bet you guys are alotta fun live good luck!!" hpr8675, Las Vegas, Nevada
Give it a try!
"Why finish the song as "good boys?" Heck, you punked rocked me...finish like a punker! Sex pistols Rule!!" - superfecta, Phoenix, Arizona
Well... maybe we actually are the good boys! :)
"comercialy i would call this metal or it at least reminds me of motly crew,ozzy then as the song progressed i felt judas priest brought out from the depths of metal soul.the good old days of keggers,bikers,and babes.sex drugs and rockin metal.this song could do well in that category too.i like seeing early metal influences in todays world. one must never forget our roots.great arrangement.and outro. rip it up"
- goudiron from Scranton, Iowa
Yes, Sir!
First feedback for Tell-Tale Heart dropped in! Let's see what our fans had to say:
popcycles from Hollywood, Florida says "Nice outro. I like how it completely changes from the body of the song!"
SMACKLICORICE from Buffalo, New York says "punk Iron Maiden! This song put me in a happy mood. I'll listen again. The outro is not needed. This song stands on it's own."
Skapula from unknown says "Nice perfomance! The instrumental is very well perfomed, good guitars and the drums are ok. this is some time of punk-rock, the vocals are tipical of this kind of sound. good mood!!"
InfernalKeith from Toledo, Ohio says "80's metal lives! I grew up on 1980's metal, and this sounds like something I'd have on LP from Noise Records circa 1986 - I love the fast-picking guitar part!!! This reminds me of the many metal demos I got in the late 80's on cassette! I like where the band's going and I'll keep an eye on it, but then again, I've got a soft spot for the flawed gems of the 'bad old days' and I may be more indulgent than some listeners."
jokesonurecords from Los Banos, California says "sounds like rock! The outro is cool but a little short I think. It makes me want to jump up and down and rock out. Great mood its good old head banging rock. Nice job"
red7music from Paramus, New Jersey says "Great song! Mood is very cool. I like the guitars."
Got own feedback? Send it in!!
Grab the song in our soundfiles section!
The heart begins beating! Tell Tale Heart is finished! You can already grab it here!
Additionally, the Prologue of the Rocktails album has been finished! It's also available for download!
While listening, make sure to hear both songs right one after another (first Prologue, then Tell Tale Heart!).
These songs are the first two tracks of the album!
And enjoy the new supercowpower recording quality, thanx to Ionstorm Studios!